Mount Grace Convent & Chapel
1438 East Warne Avenue
Saint Louis, Missouri 63107
We invite you to visit our chapel – where heaven and earth meet in the heart of the Church and where prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is an oasis of peace for all who seek God!

We are 100 yards from I–70 at the 246B (Adelaide Ave.) exit. [See a Google Map.]

Join Us in Prayer!
The chapel is open to the public daily
5:45am to 6:00pm
Security is provided.
Holy Mass every day at 7:00am
Evening Prayer (Vespers) and Benediction
Daily at
5:00pm and
Sundays at 4:00pm
(The Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the intention of world peace begins 15 minutes before.)
Join us in praying these other parts of the
Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office)
Morning Prayer (Lauds) at 5:45am
Office of Readings at 8:30am
Midday Prayer at 11:45am
Midafternoon Prayer at 1:00pm

Legion of 1000 Adorers
We invite you to join
The Legion of 1000 Adorers is purely a spiritual organization, with no meetings and no dues. Members of the Legion simply pledge to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament once a week in our chapel. Visits may be made at the time most convenient for the individual member.
Pledge cards are available either in the chapel vestibule or at the convent.

On the east side of the chapel the St. Joseph Meditation Area is available for use by the public.
“The Holy Eucharist contains the whole spiritual wealth of the Church, Christ himself, our Pasch and living bread. Through his flesh, made living and life-giving by the Holy Spirit, he gives us life, fills us with grace, and offers us a pledge of future glory.”
From our Constitutions